Below is the link to join the SES Winter Music Concert via Zoom. We hope this helps more family and friends be able to participate. This is our first time trying this so please be patient as we work with technology. Doors open at 5:45pm tonight and the concert starts at 6pm. The Book Fair will also be open after the concert.
about 2 years ago, Heather Monkus
Board Agenda 12.14.22 Revised
about 2 years ago, Heather Monkus
Board Agenda 12.14.22 Revised
SSD Board Agenda 12.14.22
about 2 years ago, Heather Monkus
SSD Board Agenda 12.14.22
Event update: Unfortunately we are going to reschedule the Winter Music Concert that was scheduled for Thursday, December 8th. Our music instructor has been out with illness. We will reschedule the Winter Music Concert for Monday, December 12th at 6pm. Doors will open at 5:45pm. Please also stay tuned for a ZOOM link. We will live stream the event via ZOOM. Thank you for your support!
about 2 years ago, Beth Burton
SSD will be on a 3-hr. delay Monday, December 5th. SSS will start at 10:55am and SES will start at 11am. This will give us time to clear sidewalks and parking lots for safe entry/access and more time to assess road conditions at daylight.
about 2 years ago, Beth Burton
December's Newsletter is up! Visit our website or read it here:
about 2 years ago, Beth Burton
about 2 years ago, Beth Burton
Board Agenda 11.9.22
about 2 years ago, Heather Monkus
Board Agenda 11.9.22
We haven't sent out our monthly newsletter since COVID shut schools down in 2020. While working to get the newsletter back up and running, we've decided to put it out a little differently. Our district newsletter is now digital, has a translation feature, and it can be accessed from our website on the main page using the button that says "Newsletter" or you can sign up to have it emailed directly to you! Check out this month's newsletter here:
about 2 years ago, Beth Burton
November News 2022
Save the Date! Parent - Teacher Conferences
about 2 years ago, Heather Monkus
Parent - Teacher Conferences
Parent - Teacher Conferences Spanish
We are working to gather feedback from our stakeholders about our mission, vision, core values and goals. Please take a few minutes to answer this short survey about those 4 things! Your involvement and ideas matter!
about 2 years ago, Beth Burton
Strategic plan image
Board Agenda - Revised
about 2 years ago, Heather Monkus
Board Agenda - Revised
Today at 12:33pm, after being notified of a threat, our campus went into "Secure" mode and contacted Stanfield Police Department. Our School Resource Officer worked quickly to locate the individual suspected of making the threat. We came out of "Secure" mode at 12:59pm. We appreciate the quick response time of our students, staff and law enforcement partners. Practicing our emergency protocols pays off when there is an actual need to use them for safety reasons, and today is an example of why regular drills are important.
about 2 years ago, Beth Burton
Our track project is complete! Thank you to the community of Stanfield for your patience over the summer as this facility was closed to the public. We finished about a month over our established schedule. The finished product looks fantastic and we are excited that the track is ready for use! Please help us keep it in good shape by walking/running in lanes 7 & 8, keeping bikes and skateboards off the track, and putting garbage, including pet waste, in the designated cans at the entrances. Go Tigers!
over 2 years ago, Beth Burton
Finished track project
Board Agenda 10.12.22
over 2 years ago, Heather Monkus
Board Agenda 10.12.22
SSD is excited to announce that Stanfield Elementary qualifies for Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) for school meals. This means that students at SES can eat breakfast and lunch at no cost to families this school year! Schools must meet an Identified Student Percentage of 40% or more to qualify. Stanfield Elementary School qualified with 45.2%. It is important to note that CEP applies only to Stanfield Elementary School. The district would like to thank Food Service Supervisor, Heather Monkus, for working tirelessly to submit our district’s application and wading through the program details to make this possible for our elementary students and families. Questions about our eligibility can be directed to the district office at (541) 449-8766. More information about Community Eligibility Provision can be found in this document from the US Department of Agriculture:
over 2 years ago, Beth Burton
Good News megaphone
Board Agenda 9.14.22
over 2 years ago, Heather Monkus
Board Agenda 9.14.22
The track surfacing has started today! We are behind schedule, and are excited to be in the homestretch of this project. The facility is fully closed until the surfacing is finished. We are asking everyone to help us out by keeping out of the track facility area. The gates have been locked, and we will be sure to send out regular updates as we get closer to completion before the end of this month. Thank you for your continued patience as we work to get this project wrapped up.
over 2 years ago, Beth Burton
Track surface supplies
over 2 years ago, Heather Monkus
over 2 years ago, Heather Monkus