These kids are ready for their 1st day of the 2020-21 school year, starting out in distance learning!
Stanfield Elementary School staff are so excited to start a new year of learning with you. Thank you for coming to see us at Family Meeting!
Here is an updated video message from Stanfield Elementary School.
Stanfield Secondary Schools phones are offline until Wednesday. Your best way to contact staff at that school, would be via email. The website address for that page is as follows:
We start our meal delivery service on the first day of school, Monday, September 8th. Routes can be found under the Comprehensive Distance Learning tab:
Instead of Bard Park, you can pick up lunch at the SES parking lot between 11am and 1pm on school days.
Information about Stanfield Elementary Family Meetings on Monday, August 31st and Wednesday, September 2nd.
Hopefully you have all scheduled an appointment with Mrs. Monkus. If not please call us at 541-449-3305.
Stanfield School District's Comprehensive Distance Learning (CDL) plan is posted on our website in the "Comprehensive Distance Learning" page.
For more information about Stanfield Elementary School's Comprehensive Distance Learning (CDL), please visit the Parent's Place section of the elementary school's portion of the website. The link is provided.
Please visit the Parent's Place page under the Stanfield Elementary School portion of our website for an update for kindergarten and new student registration.
The following is located on our website on the Comprehensive Distance Learning Page.
The Stanfield School District is committed to providing your student with the most effective web-based applications and instructional tools for learning. The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) requires parental notification and consent for student use of district approved online resources for students. The use of these online resources may involve the collection of certain personally identifying information (e.g., the students first and last name, username, district email address, etc.) from children under 13. As permitted under the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), the District consents to this collection on behalf of parents of children under 13, unless the parent/guardian opts-out using this form.
El Distrito Escolar de Stanfield se compromete a proveer a sus estudiantes con la más efectiva aplicación de instrucción y herramientas en las redes para su instrucción.El acta de protección y privacidad para niños (COPPA) siglas en inglés, requiere que los padres den consentimiento y aprueben que los niños del distrito usen los recursos en las redes para su aprendizaje. El uso de estos recursos envuelve recolectar cierta información de identidad personal de cada estudiante menor de 13 años.. (e.g.el nombre y apellido,nombre del usuario, dirección de correo electrónico del distrito ect.) Como se presume bajo la ley, del acta de protección y privacidad para los niños. (COPPA) El distrito requiere recopilar la información de los padres/tutores que tengan niños menores de 13 años, a menos que estos se rehúsen, se requiere llenar esta forma.
Save these dates....Stanfield Elementary School Parents
August 24th-Pre-K Registration, 9-2 pm. August 25th-Kindergarten and NEW Student Registration, 9-2 pm. Please bring Birth Certificate, Immunizations and proof of physical address for Pre-K and Kinder. For new students grades 1st-5th please bring proof of physical address.
Masks will be required in the building. Any questions, please contact the school at 541-449-3305.
Save the Date! Stanfield Secondary School Parents!
Parents please plan on attending WITH your student(s). SOME of our forms require parent/guardian signature.
We will be doing our Chromebook handout/Registration. Please come to the parking lot of Stanfield Elementary School during your allocated day and time. Because of the Governor’s order, we will be doing this drive up style. Please, stay in your cars. Please bring siblings that are students at SSS as well.
This plan is JUST for Students 6th through 12th. We will not have any SES supplies.
August 25th (SES Parking lot)
Seniors 4pm to 5pm
Juniors 5pm to 6pm
Sophomores 6pm to 7pm
Freshmen 7pm to 8pm
August 26th (SES Parking lot)
8th grade 5pm to 6pm
7th grade 6pm to 7pm
6th Graders 7pm to 8pm
While we appreciate that parents are eager to register their students, while we are in Baseline due to local case counts and the COVID-19 pandemic, we are limiting the number of people in our school offices. Please follow your school’s Facebook page and the district’s website for information about the dates of registration. Registration dates and times will be published in the coming days.
The paperwork is also on our website under “Parent Resources.” If you have questions, please feel free to contact your school secretaries at 541-449-3305.
Estamos muy agradecidos de que los padres de familia estén ansiosos por registrar a sus estudiantes, pero debido a que en el área local estamos en base con la pandemia COVID-19, estamos limitando el número de personas en las oficinas de las escuelas. Por favor busque en Facebook o la página del del Distrito para las fechas de la registración. La fecha y los horarios serán publicados en los próximos dias.
Las formas para llenar están disponibles en las redes bajo” Parent Resources” Si tiene preguntas por favor llame a las secretarías de la escuela al 541-449-3305
Stanfield School District Board of Directors Regular Meeting will be held tomorrow, August 12. There will be a work session for the Board beginning at 5:15pm and the regular board meeting is scheduled to start at 6:00pm. It will be held via Zoom. The link for the meeting follows:
While Umatilla County is in Baseline, the Stanfield District Office will be open by appointment ONLY. Please call 541-449-8766 or email to make an appointment. Registration dates will be announced in the coming weeks. We also have a mail slot on the front of the building to drop off any papers. Thank you.
Due to the Governor's "Stay Home, Save Lives" order, Stanfield will not be hosting Jumpstart this year. We are saddened to not have this opportunity to meet your students prior to the start of the school year.
Also in order to accommodate the new regulations we will be moving our Kindergarten and Ready for Kindergarten 3 and 4 year old registration.
Registration will be Monday, August 24th for 3 and 4 year olds from 9am - 2pm. Tuesday, August 25th will be Kindergarten Registration from 9am - 2pm. Spanish translation will be available both days. Please bring proof of physical address, shot records, and birth certificate.
En responsivo al orden de “Se Queden en Casa, Salven Vidas” de la gobernadora, Stanfield no tendrá Jumpstart este año. Estamos triste para no tener esta oportunidad de conocer a sus estudiantes antes del comienzo del año de escuela.
También, para acomodar las regulaciones nuevas, cambiaremos la registración por Kínder y la registración de Ser Listo por Kínder (3 y 4 años). Registración estará el lunes 24 de agosto por niños quien tiene 3 o 4 años desde 9 por la mañana hasta 2 por la tarde. El 25 de agosto estará la registración por Kínder desde 9 por la mañana hasta 2 por la tarde. Traducción en español estará disponible los dos días. Por favor traiga comprobante de dirección (casa), el récord de vacunas, y el certificado de nacimiento de su niño.
The 20-21 Free/Reduced Meal Applications are available on our website in the Parent Resources section. These forms must be completed each school year. If you have had a change in income (whether due to COVID or another situation), please complete the form to see if you qualify for free/reduced meals for your child(ren). Also there is a Pandemic-EBT parents are eligible for through the free/reduced meal program at the school. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to your school secretary.
Parents/guardians: If you haven't already, please help us by taking our reopening survey!
English version:
Spanish version:
Survey closes Monday, 7/20/2020.
Summer Office Hours:
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, our office availability will vary during the month of July. If you need to speak or meet with us, please call or email us!
Phone: (541) 449-8766
Stanfield parents/guardians! We want your input about reopening school in the fall. Please take a few minutes to fill out our survey.
English version:
Spanish version: