We are hiring!! Stanfield School District has an opening for a 3 Year Old Kindergarten Transition Instructor and an Instruction Assistant at our secondary school. The posting for the 3 Year Old Kindergarten Transition Instructor is attached for your reference. You may also visit the Employment Section of the website at https://www.stanfield.k12.or.us/page/employment.
over 3 years ago, Debbie Dever
3 Yr Old Kinder Transition Instructor
Stanfield School District will be having a Special Board of Directors meeting tomorrow, September 21, 2021, at 9:30am in the Stanfield Secondary School Conference Room in order to approve the 21-22 FFA Overnight Field Trips. To view the agenda https://5il.co/za8g.
over 3 years ago, Debbie Dever
Stanfield Secondary School picture day is Wednesday 9/22. Picture packets were sent home this week with students. Go Tigers!
over 3 years ago, Wendy Griffin
9th Grade Parents and Students - Please save the date for our upcoming Freshman Information Night: Tuesday, Sept. 28th, 6 PM, SSS Cafeteria. Join us to learn more about how to have a successful experience in high school and beyond. -Kirsten Wright, SSS School Counselor
over 3 years ago, Kirsten Wright
12th Grade Parents & Students: Please save the date for our Senior Information Night: Monday Oct. 11, 5:30 PM, SSS Cafeteria. Join us for cap and gown ordering and info about the college/career/financial aid application process! -Kirsten Wright, SSS School Counselor
over 3 years ago, Kirsten Wright
As you can see around Stanfield, we are updating various roads. Following is the anticipated work schedule for the next two weeks, September 13-24, 2021. CURRENT PROJECT STATUS Stanfield ADA upgrades * Work on curbs, gutters, and storm sewers continues in Stanfield. * Expect concrete work this Monday and Tuesday along the east side of U.S. 395. Traffic pattern changes in Stanfield *Traffic pattern changes continue through downtown Stanfield, with one northbound and one southbound travel lane, plus a dedicated center turn lane. **PLEASE NOTE that the center lane might be used to shift traffic while workers are onsite. *Watch for signs, work crews and expect minor delays. Bridge work *Work on bridges and culverts continues this week, on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. *Work will take place during the day. U.S. 395 Paving *Paving is NOT scheduled for the week of September 13. *For the week of September 20, the contractor will be removing pavement through Stanfield. *Work will take place during the day. This project is scheduled for completion by the end of October. Schedules are subject to change. Thank you for your cooperation and caution. Project our road workers!
over 3 years ago, Debbie Dever
Road Work
We are hiring! Stanfield SD has an opening for a Confidential Administrative Assistant for the District Office. The formal job posting can be viewed at: https://5il.co/yl4s. If you or someone you know might be interested, please pass along the posting information. The contract period for this position is 12 months; contract is renewed annually. The position offers a competitive benefits package, including employer-paid PERS retirement contributions and medical benefits. Salary based on experience outlined in the successful candidate’s application submission. Come join our team!
over 3 years ago, Beth Burton
We're hiring!
The Stanfield School District has a position vacancy for a Junior Class Advisor. The successful candidate will be responsible and available to advise the Junior Class for the 2021-2022 school year in event planning, concession coordination, etc. Please follow the links below for the vacancy description, application, and criminal history verification. Submit your application materials to kris.james@stanfieldsd.org. Vacancy Description: https://5il.co/yk5w Application: https://5il.co/lzr5 Criminal History Verification: https://5il.co/qdsk
over 3 years ago, Stanfield School District-DO
The regular September Stanfield School District Board of Directors meeting for tomorrow, Wednesday, 9/8/21, has been cancelled. Our next regular meeting will be Wednesday, October 13, 2021.
over 3 years ago, Debbie Dever
Board Meeting Cancelled
As we are wrapping up our 2nd week of school, I think I speak for everyone in the district when I say that it has been absolutely awesome having students in the buildings to start the year! We are really thankful, and we are not taking for granted how much we appreciate the chance to offer in-person learning. To help us keep as many students in class as possible each day, we are asking families to partner with us in keeping students home if they are ill. COVID-19, colds, and stomach bugs are present in the community, and we ask that families use the exclusion summary chart to help determine when a student needs to stay home. We have posted the chart on our Parent Resources page, but you can also see it here: https://5il.co/yf9c. We all must do our part to contribute to the health and safety of our school community. Thank you for partnering with us. We appreciate your support.
over 3 years ago, Beth Burton
Kids walking to school
NO SCHOOL - Monday, September 6, is Labor Day. Observed the first Monday in September, Labor Day is an annual celebration of the social and economic achievements of American workers. The holiday is rooted in the late nineteenth century, when labor activists pushed for a federal holiday to recognize the many contributions workers have made to America’s strength, prosperity, and well-being.
over 3 years ago, Debbie Dever
Labor Day
Stanfield School District has an opening for an Instruction Assistant at our Stanfield Secondary School. For more information, please review the posting attached or visit the employment section of our website: https://www.stanfield.k12.or.us/page/employment
over 3 years ago, Debbie Dever
SSS Instruction Assistant opening
We are so excited to be back to school and in person! We are working hard and following our plan to keep students safe and help mitigate any chance for COVID-19 to affect our ability to stay open. We are finding that our busses are at capacity making physical distancing on the bus harder to achieve consistently for the duration of the each route. We are looking at adjusting routes to accommodate the number of riders using the busses we have. Like every district in our region, we are still in need of more drivers. If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a bus driver, please contact the district office. Last year, many parents transported their students, and that was extremely helpful for lowering overall bus rosters and increasing available physical space for distancing on each bus. Some parents are able to consistently transport again this year, and we appreciate this greatly! Thank you for your continued support this school year. Go Tigers!
over 3 years ago, Beth Burton
Welcome back! School begins for students on Monday, August 23, 2021. Attached to this post are the bus routes. Please have patience with us as we begin this new department. We are looking forward to this opportunity for our Stanfield students. We have also posted them to both the parent pages on each school's portion of our website. Should you have any questions, please contact your child's school. The contact number for Stanfield Elementary School is 541-449-3305 and for Stanfield Secondary School it is 541-449-3851. Thank you!
over 3 years ago, Debbie Dever
Stanfield Bus Route
Tiger Bus Route
All Stanfield Schools and the District Office will be closed tomorrow morning. Please feel free to leave voicemails and/or send emails. We will respond as soon as possible. Thank you!
over 3 years ago, Debbie Dever
Stanfield School District Board of Directors regular monthly meeting will be Wednesday, August 11, 2021, at 6pm. We will be going back to in-person meetings. If you would like to join us for our meeting, we will be meeting in the Stanfield Secondary School Cafeteria.
over 3 years ago, Debbie Dever
Board Agenda, Pg 1
Board Agenda, Pg 2
All School registration, Tue. Aug 10th 8am-11am & 4 pm- 7pm at SES & SSS. Please plan to attend as we need EVERY student to update their records. Go Tigers!
over 3 years ago, Wendy Griffin
Superintendent’s Message—August 3, 2021 The rule requiring masks for all individuals age 2 and older in indoor school settings is in effect now. You can read the bulletin from Oregon Department of Education at the following link: https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/ORED/bulletins/2eb3b6d This means that students and staff participating in our elementary JumpStart program must wear masks in the building. Masks do not have to be worn outdoors. We will continue to advocate for local control in decision-making, but this requirement is not something we have the ability to change locally at this time. We will continue to update information as it is released. Sincerely, Beth Burton, Superintendent
over 3 years ago, Beth Burton
Superintendent’s Message—July 30, 2021 A few weeks ago, I posted that masks would be optional this coming school year, and that time, masks were a local decision. We learned yesterday that Governor Brown is mandating masks for all people age 2 and older indoors in school settings. She directed Oregon Health Authority and Oregon Department of Education to create a face covering rule, and we will be required to follow it once it is adopted at the state level. School officials will be receiving more information about this Monday, August 2nd. I will share as many details as are available at that time. In the meantime, I want to acknowledge the frustration and disappointment that abounds in the community. I also want to appreciate the good things that are happening in Stanfield as we are preparing for full-day in-person learning for all students K-12. Our facilities are taking shape as construction is winding down. We are starting a district-operated transportation program and have purchased new busses. We have been busy over the summer working to be ready for this new school year. We are excited to have kids in the buildings next month, and we are so looking forward to serving them face-to-face and not through Zoom. Registration is August 10th from 8am-11am and 4pm-7pm. The first day of school for students is August 23rd. We will continue to post updates and regular messaging on our website and our Facebook page. As we have learned in the last year, information changes rapidly; we are doing our best to communicate as clearly and efficiently as possible. Thank you for continuing to support our students, staff, and schools. Sincerely, Beth Burton, Superintendent
over 3 years ago, Beth Burton
Beginning this new school year, SSD is implementing a district-operated transportation department. We are working hard to ensure that we begin the school year with a solid, safe bussing program in place. Two of our brand new busses arrived today! We are still hiring substitute drivers. If you or someone you know is interested in filling in to drive school routes or trips, please visit the Employment page of our website for application information. We will be publishing information weekly beginning next week to inform our school community about our transportation program. Watch for more updates next week!
over 3 years ago, Beth Burton
New bus
New Stanfield busses