URGENT FOR PARENTS AFFECTED BY COVID19: Oregon is the recipient of a grant to provide funds to children experiencing food insecurity during the pandemic. The Oregon Department of Education Child Nutrition Programs is supporting the Pandemic Electronic Benefits Transfer (P-EBT) program by collecting data from schools. If your child is eligible, you will be contacted shortly by DHS. Instructions will be included to activate or refuse benefits.
If you ALREADY receive free/reduced meal benefits, you do NOT need to complete a new form. This is ONLY for newly qualifying families.
In order to qualify you must be on the schools Free/Reduced Meal Program. If your income has changed, please be sure to complete the free/reduced lunch application located on our website at https://www.stanfield.k12.or.us/o/ssd/browse/126179. Please do so very soon as the State is requesting information from our school district. It's not too late. Complete your form today! Either mail it to the schools, drop off in the mail slot on the District Office Building, or turn in at Bard Park or on the Bus Routes.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your school's secretary. Stanfield Secondary School - Wendy Griffin at wendy.griffin@stanfieldsd.org or 541-371-2044. Stanfield Elementary School - Heather Monkus at heather.monkus@stanfieldsd.org or 541-314-4065.