It is true that this spring looks nothing like what we had anticipated, but we are choosing to see the silver linings in our current situation. Even though our school buildings are closed to students and staff as part of the COVID-19 statewide mandate, our bond projects are underway sooner than expected. The improvements for Stanfield Elementary School were originally scheduled to start in June 2021 but have been moved up and will be completely finished by the time school starts this coming September.
Improvements at the elementary school inside the building include a remodel to the front entry-way and the office. The purpose of the changes is to increase safety and security of the entrance and to allow for greater visibility and control by office staff so they are able to see who is coming and going. On the outside, the parking lot is being renovated to enhance traffic flow and provide better visibility for pedestrians.
The Secondary School is undergoing drastic remodel in conjunction with the middle school classroom addition. The modulars that served as the middle school have been demolished and the new addition site is being excavated and prepped. The office is completely torn up as the shape of those spaces will change with the front of the building. The circular area in front of the high school will eventually be filled in as the front entrance will move out toward the bus lane. Windows are being cut into the classrooms in the south hallway. A new Strength and Conditioning room is being built onto the gym. Asbestos is being removed from various areas throughout the building. Different parts of the Secondary School project will be done sooner than others, but we fully expect our bond projects to be complete a little more than a year from now, by the end of the 2021 summer.